Curry Leaf
Also known as :-
Daun Kari, Bai Karee, Karapincha, Kari Patta, Sweet Neem, Kitha Neem, Kari Phulia, Nim Murraya koenigii syn. Chalcas koenigii F. Rutaceae.
It is a small tree that grows up to 2-5 metre tall. The leaves are the edible part and they are shiny, dark green, aromatic and slightly bitter in taste.
The curry tree is a native of India and Sri Lanka. These leaves are one of the ingredients of Indian curries, cooked vegetables, salads, chutneys and spices. They add to the smell and taste of food and in addition to the food value. Although the leaves are added to Indian dishes as a natural flavoring agent, it is well known that they have some medicinal value as well.
The Healing Power of Curry Leaves
Digestive Disorders
Fresh juice of curry leaves, with lime juice and sugar, is an effective medicine in the treatment of morning sickness, nausea and vomiting due to indigestion and excessive use of fats. One or two teaspoons of juice of these leaves mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice may be taken in these conditions. The curry leaves, ground to a fine paste and mixed with buttermilk, can also be taken on an empty stomach with beneficial results in case of stomach upsets.
Tender curry leaves are useful in diarrhoea, dysentery and piles. They should be taken, mixed with honey. The bark of the tree is also useful in bilious vomiting. A teaspoon of the powder or the decoction of the dry bark should be given with cold water in this condition.
Kidney Disorders
The root of the curry plant also has medicinal properties. The juice of the root can be taken to relieve pain associated with the kidneys.
Premature Greying of Hair
Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves have the property to nourish the hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier with normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of chutney or the juice may be squeezed and taken in buttermilk or lassi.
Burns and Bruises
Curry leaves can be effectively used to treat burns, bruises and skin eruptions. They should be applied as a poultice over the affected areas.
Eye Disorders
Fresh juice of curry leaves suffused in the eyes. makes them look bright. It also prevents the early development of cataract.
Insect Bites
Fruits of the tree, which are berries, are edible. They are green when raw, but purple when ripe. Juice of these berries, mixed with equal proportion of lime-juice, is an effective fluid for external application in insect stings and bites of poisonous creatures.
Curry Leaf More Info Links:-
- Curry Leaf Culinary Uses and Storage
- Ayurvedic Herbs and their Healing Power
- Health Benefits of Curry Leaves
- Curry Leaf - Description and Culinary Use
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